Some of the Synthesizers we used to compose "Radio Talk" are the Synclavier PSMT, a custom Analogue Solutions Concusor Modular, Roland System 100m, Arp 2600, Roland Jupiter-8, Oberheim OB-8, OBX, Sequential Circuits Prophet-5 and E-mu Emulator II.
We had a lot of fun in the Sessions for this EP. The Synclavier was the main sampler of choice for drums, pads, strings, stabs and experimental samples. Much of these sounds were made in our own environment using mics, found objects combined with analog modular synths and then all sampled and edited within the Synclavier for each track. The Arp 2600 and Roland 100m was a great sound source for making some drum sounds.
The Roland System 100m and Analogue Solutions Concussor played a very large role in all of the sounds actually. We decided to go back to using Control Voltage Step Sequencers as a source of inspiration for melody, the Bass Line, and using to trigger off the filters for sound processing. The Step Sequencer was also working to control the Oberhiem OBX and Jupiter-8's filter and Volume ENVs. So this became a pretty elaborate process. The Emulator II, OB-8 and PPG were great for additional layers over top of the backbone of this mixes.