SH is composed using a Roland SH-5, SH-101 and an Emu Emax II sampler. For this song, I really wanted to try to keep things somewhat simple and true to our project. I find that being in a studio with so many options can almost be a little overwhelming at times and these options can distract composers from completing their original intended ideas. All of the sounds (including drums) in this track are created by using various combinations of both SH synths sampled into the Emax II. Both SH-5 and 101 played parts directly in the recording as well. For some sounds, I ran parts of the sounds through FX before I sampled them. I really liked the results I was getting by processing the SH101 through effects, then through the SH5. Since both SH synths are monophonic, this made playing chords a bit limiting. I wanted to avoid using the sampler to transpose my notes for me so instead, I tuned the oscilators of each synth and sequenced the notes to create various chords so I could sample each chord on a different key and play them back that way. I found that this method kept the synth samples sounding a bit more true to their original source.
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